The US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence probe into allegations of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia includes anyone believed to be “of Russian descent or nationality,” according to a new report. April Doss, the senior counsel to the Democrats on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) defined the scope of the investigation […]
My oh My, Latest Reports of FBI/DOJ Counterintelligence Operation Give Evelyn Farkas Statements New Light…
The Mistresses of Mirrored Halls – Looking at the Corrupt DOJ Side of “Operation Trump”…
Lerner, Paz Say They Fear Physical Harm from Enraged Public, Wants Their IRS Testimony Sealed Into Perpetuity…
Former IRS executive Lois G. Lerner told a federal court last week that members of her family, including “young children,” face death threats and a real risk of physical harm if her explanation of the tea party targeting scandal becomes public. Ms. Lerner and Holly Paz, her deputy at the IRS, filed documents in court […]
Did IRS Overstep in $5 Million Campaign to Pressure Americans on Obamacare?…
The IRS would never push legal boundaries in order to pursue the ideological agenda of a political party in Washington D.C., right? Well, aside from that time that Lois Lerner used her position inside the IRS to target Tea Party Organizations in order to help Obama get re-elected in 2012, of course. While we all […]
“Lay it on the line”: Judge in Tea Party Case Orders IRS to Disclose Employee Names, Reasons…
A federal judge on Thursday ordered the IRS to name the specific employees the agency blames for targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny and said the government must prove it has ceased the targeting. Judge Reggie B. Walton also said the IRS must explain the reasons for the delays for 38 groups that are […]
IRS Doled Out More Than $24B in Potentially Bogus Refunds…
The IRS doled out more than $24 billion in potentially bogus refunds claimed under several controversial tax credits in 2016, according to a new audit that said $118 million was even paid to people who weren’t authorized to work in the U.S. in the first place. Some $16.8 billion in payments were made on improper […]
Meet the Banksters Whistleblower: Lucifer’s Banker (VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT)…
Brad Birkenfield, author of Lucifer’s Banker: The Untold Story of How I Destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy, recounts the efforts he uncovered by his employer to help its clients cheat the US government out of tens of $billions in taxes. But despite his working with the government closely to expose the gigantic conspiracy between US-based tax […]
Full Measure: IRS Money Grab…
Robert Johnson: The ultimate takeaway here is that civil forfeiture allows the government to take people’s property based on the suspicion of criminal wrongdoing, but without actually having to prove to a court that somebody did something wrong. And that takes the presumption of innocence and it turns it on its head…
IRS Seized Millions of Dollars from Innocent Citizens Because It Was Easier Than Going After Crooks…
A report from Treasury’s Inspector General found that the IRS misused a law aimed at cracking down on organized crime and terrorism to target innocent individuals and businesses. Agents adopted a policy of seizing cash before investigating for other wrongdoing because it was just easier to seize the money of innocent people than hardened criminals […]