Consumers are spending more on energy, airline fares, vehicle insurance, food, rent and more…
Smartphones Are Killing Americans, But Nobody’s Counting…
Jennifer Smith doesn’t like the term “accident.” It implies too much chance and too little culpability. A “crash” killed her mother in 2008, she insists, when her car was broadsided by another vehicle while on her way to pick up cat food. The other driver, a 20-year-old college student, ran a red light while talking […]
U.S. Quietly Drops Bombshell: Wall Street Banks Have $2 Trillion European Exposure
According to a report quietly released by the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Financial Research less than two weeks before Christmas, another financial implosion on Wall Street can’t be ruled out…
U.S. Probes Chinese Ownership of CIA-Linked Insurance Company…
Wright USA, was quietly acquired late last year by Fosun Group, a Shanghai-based conglomerate led by Guo Guangchang, a billionaire known as “China’s Warren Buffett”…