Newly uncovered video shows Anthony Fauci and other HHS officials discussing how a new virus from China could be used to enforce universal vaccination back in October of 2019. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more…
With Narrative Established, CDC Announces Withdrawal of Rapid Response COVID Test to Belatedly Stop Diagnosing Influenza as SARS-COV-2?…
Well this is seriously sketchy, and feel free to correct me if my interpretation is incorrect, but the CDC has recently released a Lab Alert notifying healthcare providers they are withdrawing their emergency use request of the SARS-COV-2 rapid response diagnostic; and informing test centers to adopt new, modified, COVID testing that does not conflate influenza (the flu) with positive results for COVID-19…
The Incredible Vanishing Flu…
This year, “flu activity is unusually low at this time” according to CDC surveillance. Since late September 2020, they recorded only about 2000 cases, a minute fraction of the tens of millions of cases in past years…
2019 WHO Review of Mask Studies Found ‘No Evidence’ They Stopped Transmission of the Flu…
Whether or not the ostensible ineffectiveness of face masks in stopping influenza can be extrapolated to COVID-19 is currently unknown…
2020 Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies)…
On March 12th, 2020, Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta held a global town hall on “Corona Facts and Fears.” During the discussion, Anderson said to the viewing audience, “And, again, if you are concerned about coronavirus, and you haven’t gotten a flu shot…you should get a flu shot.” Setting safety and efficacy of influenza […]