Stunning video from India has emerged that shows the “magical” moment when massive amounts of rare baby sea turtles crawled out to sea for the very first time after about 20 million eggs hatched. In a spectacular clip showing the event, masses of olive ridley sea turtles hatchlings can be seen making their way across […]
Lawsuit: Indian Managers Use H-1Bs to Discriminate Against Americans…
An Indian-run outsourcing company used Congress’s H-1B visa-worker program to systematically discriminate against American college graduates, according to a class-action lawsuit filed in New Jersey. The company, named Wipro, “operates under a general policy of discrimination in favor of [imported] South Asians and against [American] individuals who are not South Asian and not Indian,” says […]
Trump Exempts Fortune 500’s Visa Workers from Immigration Curb…
President Donald Trump has exempted the Fortune 500’s international labor supply from his order for a temporary immigration shutdown. “This order will only apply to individuals seeking a permanent residency,” Trump said in an April 21 press conference at the White House. He said: It would be wrong and unjust for Americans laid off by […]
Immigration Pause Will Not Apply to H-2A Visa Workers…
India Locks Down 1.3 Billion People for 21-Days…
India will begin the world’s largest lockdown, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in a TV address Tuesday night, warning that anyone going outside risked inviting the CCP virus inside their homes, and pledging $2 billion to bolster the country’s beleaguered health care system. “To save India and every Indian, there will be a total ban […]
President Trump Delivers Remarks at “Namaste Trump” Rally – Motera Cricket Stadium – Transcript…
As guests of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Trump and First Lady Melania attend the “Namaste Trump Rally” at the massive Motera cricket stadium. The first family was serenaded along the route by artists and floats, depicting India’s diversity. The massive stadium was filled with an estimated crowd of 125,000. A transcript of President […]
‘The Intelligence Coup of the Century’: For Decades, the CIA Read the Encrypted Communications of Allies and Adversaries…
For more than half a century, governments all over the world trusted a single company to keep the communications of their spies, soldiers and diplomats secret. The company, Crypto AG, got its first break with a contract to build code-making machines for U.S. troops during World War II. Flush with cash, it became a dominant […]
U.S. Warms up Its Own Old Spy Stories to Bash Putative Chinese Espionage…
India’s Blockade of Kashmir: 100 Days in, the World’s Silence Is Deafening…
At the end of October India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, travelled to Saudi Arabia to hold bilateral talks between the two nations. According to press reports, the topic of Kashmir and India’s move in August to abrogate the region’s semi-autonomous status and impose a communication blockade did not even make it as a topic of […]
Disinformation Efforts Now Used in 70 Countries…
Organized efforts to manipulate social media and public opinion are being carried out in at least 70 countries by government agencies and political parties, researchers said Thursday. A report by the Oxford Internet Institute found manipulation efforts have doubled over the past two years and are being used by both democratic and authoritarian governments. The […]
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