To get a better idea of the fundamentally fascistic nature of the World Economic Forum – plotting global domination online all this week – check out this video from one of its young acolytes…
Vladimir Putin Warns of the ‘End of Our Civilization’ at Davos…
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an ominous speech to the World Economic Forum on Wednesday, warning the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and rising income inequality threatened to thrust the world into “all against all” conflict, the Sydney Morning Herald reported…
Sen Warren Unveils ‘Universal Child Care’ Plan. Projected Cost $70B Annually…
Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren proposed a universal child care plan that would limit American families’ expenses to 7 percent of income regardless of how many children they have in care — paid for by a tax on the ultra-wealthy. The Massachusetts senator’s plan, unveiled Tuesday on, would make child care free for families […]
Earth’s Richest 26 Control Same as World’s Poorest 50% – Report…
Released ahead of the annual winter World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland — a yearly gathering of some of the planet’s richest and most influential — the frightening new report from UK-based Oxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief), reveals a dire gap between those who have all too much and those who have little to nothing. Founded in 1942 to, as the name implies, counter global famine, […]
‘X’ Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here…
In 2002, I heard an economist characterizing this figure as containing a valuable economic insight. He wasn’t sure what the insight was. I have my own answer. The economist talked of the figure as a sort of treasure map, which would lead us to the insight. “X” marks the spot. Dig here. The graphic below […]
A Labor Day Parade for Hillary Clinton and the 0.1 Percent in the Hamptons…
Hillary Clinton holding court at a series of big-ticket fundraising events in the tony seaside towns and hamlets of eastern Long Island…
House Republicans Think the Fed Is In Conspiracy With the Rich: Are They Right?…
Yesterday, four Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee […] presented a persuasive argument that it’s really the Federal Reserve […] that’s sacrificing the poor and…