On Sunday at a 9/11 ceremony marking 15 years since the attacks, Hillary Clinton wasn’t feeling well to the point she had to make an early exit. Her handlers obviously knew what such an exit would do…
How a Smartphone Camera Changed the Discussion on Clinton’s Health…
Questions About Hillary’s Health by Wesley Pruden…
Hillary Clinton…portraying criticism of her vulgarity, her greed and her intolerance as hatred of women, and envy of a woman finally breaking through a crystal ceiling. It’s not working…
Hillary Suffers 2 More Violent Coughing Fits…
As the Democratic presidential nominee labored through a severe coughing fit during a speech in Cleveland, Ohio, then suffered a second coughing attack later in the day…
This Guy Is Really Freaked Out!: HuffPo Censors, Deletes & Then Terminates Journalist for Writing About Hillary’s Health…
“I’m perfectly fine. I’m not clumsy. I plan on reporting more on this certainly now the story is that their deleting and censoring commentary on her health”…