Having just witnessed her friend’s arrest, and frustrated by her failure to prevent it, a young activist stood in front of a line of police officers, defenseless, and instinctively shouted, “With spirit, with blood, we’ll redeem you Gaza.” Members of the Palestinian security forces, dressed in civilian clothes, knocked her to the ground. Two policemen […]
NowThis News Is Not News; It’s a Straight-Up Propaganda Outlet…
NowThis News claims to be in the journalism business, but don’t be fooled. This click-bait venture, which was founded in 2015 by Huffington Post co-founder Kenneth Lerer, is your basic, run-of-the-mill propaganda outfit. Its real goal is the spread of political agitprop. The twist here is that NowThis disguises itself as a genuine newsroom. In […]
Israel Bombs Gaza Militant Sites Amid Heaviest Rocket Fire Since 2014…
Palestinian fighters launched their heaviest barrages against Israel since the 2014 Gaza war on Tuesday and Israeli aircraft struck back, in a surge of fighting after weeks of border violence. Three Israeli soldiers were wounded by shrapnel, the military said, after dozens of mortar bombs and rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip, triggering warning […]
No Force Will Pull Out of Syria, Standby for the Largest Middle Eastern War with Iran and Hezbollah…
President Vladimir Putin expressed his wishes when meeting his Syrian counterpart President Bashar al-Assad in Sochi regarding the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Syria. Nevertheless, the Russian president failed to explain how he would obtain the withdrawal of the US and the Turkish occupation forces of around 50% of the north and east of […]
Hamas Leader Salah Bardawil: “50 of the 62 Martyrs Were Hamas”
A senior Hamas leader publicly admitted Wednesday that at least “50 members” of the terror organization were killed during clashes with Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza; smashing the United Nations’ claim that the riots were “peaceful protests.” Hamas organizer Salah Bardawil made the stunning admission while speaking with reporters this week; saying “If 62 people” […]
55 Palestinians Killed in Gaza Border Protest, More Than 2,700 Injured…
At least 55 Palestinians have been killed and more than 2,700 others injured alongside the eastern borders of the Gaza Strip on Monday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza. The latest death toll was reported by the ministry at 9:30 p.m. The ministry added that 2,771 people were injured. Six of the […]