An alleged accomplice in the Sept. 11 terror attacks underwent reconstructive surgery for decade-old damage from his “sodomy” in CIA custody and was to be returned to his clandestine prison to recuperate
Former Gitmo Detainee Bumps Into Former Guard, Invites Him Into His Home…
When the two men met by chance in London more than a decade after Begg’s release, the former inmate invited his guard to his home…
Half of Gitmo’s Uncharged Detainees Cleared for Release…
In addition to the 10 detainees actually charged with something, Guantanamo Bay continues to hold some 66 detainees totally uncharged with any crime…
U.S. Delivers 2 Guantánamo Captives to Serbia. Never Charged With a Crime (More)…
Two war-on-terror captives who got to Guantánamo on the same day, left on the same plane 14 years and 5 months later…
Guantánamo Periodic Review Guide…
Guantánamo Parole Board Clears ‘Quite Pleasant,’ Now Former Yemeni ‘Forever Prisoner’…
Also Clears Captive for Return to Casablanca…
REPORT: Obama Not Pursuing Order to Close Gitmo…
Obama says now he regrets not closing the prison on his first day in office…
Justice Department Opposes New Obama Proposal on Guantanamo…
Lynch, […] is opposing a White House-backed proposal that would allow Guantanamo Bay prisoners to plead guilty to terrorism charges in federal court by videoconference…