The Dec. 3 ruling overturns the 2020 rule overhaul by the first Trump administration that had eliminated most government oversight over GE crops, trees and grasses. The court held that the previous regulations violated the Plant Protection Act and the Administrative Procedure Act…
GMO Free: Russia to Become Top Producer of Organic Food…
Most of you know that Russian President Putin has Russia saying “not yet” to GMOs and asserting their national focus on establishing themselves as the world’s largest exporter of organic food, as well as providing their people with healthy non-GMO food. This wasn’t just a spare of the moment decision either. It came about…
Agricultural Mega-Merger Could Make China Leading GMO Producer…
A $43 billion takeover deal that would merge Chinese state-owned agriculture company ChemChina and Swiss-owned seed company Syngenta is expected to turn the world’s second largest economy into a biotech titan. In recent weeks, the deal has been approved by EU and US authorities. Once closed it will be China’s biggest overseas acquisition. It will […]
Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops…
But an extensive examination by The New York Times indicates that the debate has missed a more basic problem — genetic modification in the United States and Canada has not accelerated increases in crop yields or led to an overall reduction in the use of chemical pesticides…
Food Safety Experts Slam President Obama over GMO Labeling Legacy…
US President Barack Obama signed into law a GMO labeling bill that discriminates against more than 100 million Americans on Friday…
Organic Farmers Leave Organic Trade Association over GMO Labeling Betrayal…
By a unanimous vote of its Board of Directors, the U.S. organic farmer-controlled Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association has withdrawn its membership from the Organic Trade Assoc…
Europe’s Robots Would Become ‘Electronic Persons’ Under Draft Plan…
Good luck with that. What about the rest of the world, where automation is rolling out without restriction?…