A whistleblower shared military records with Attorney Tom Renz, showing a soldier receiving COVID-19 immunization back in 2014…
Oh Goodie, NOT!: Transhumanists Gather in Spain to Plan Global Transformation…
TransVision 2021 saw technologists push radical visions for our future. Apparently, the clueless public is to be propagandized — not consulted…
Unequivocal Scientific Evidence that the Wuhan Virus Originated in a Laboratory…
Since the onset of the pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party, together with the support or acquiescence of the majority of the Western scientific community, have insisted that the COVID-19 virus was a naturally-occurring, animal-to-human transmission…
China Confirms Scientist Genetically Engineered Babies–And More on the Way…
Government investigators have confirmed a Chinese scientist’s claim of creating the world’s first genetically engineered babies, as well as the existence of a second pregnancy with a gene-edited embryo. Back in November, scientist He Jiankui captured international attention when he claimed to have used the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas-9 to alter two embryos. He maintained that […]
Europe’s Robots Would Become ‘Electronic Persons’ Under Draft Plan…
Good luck with that. What about the rest of the world, where automation is rolling out without restriction?…