“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law”…
How GSA Is Helping the Government Embrace Automation…
The General Services Administration is doubling down on bots as a way to free employees from the more tedious aspects of their jobs, and it’s trying to help other agencies follow suit. On Thursday, GSA officials announced they are creating an interagency community of practice for robotic process automation, an umbrella term for tools that […]
Trump Budget Chief Shuts Down Consumer ‘Protection’ Bureau ‘Slush Fund’…
An educational “slush fund” used by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has come under the “strictest review” by acting director Mick Mulvaney amid concerns the Obama-era agency has been doling out cash only to Democratic cronies. Mulvaney, President Trump’s budget chief who has been temporarily installed at the agency the president once promised to kill, […]
Government Employees Using Encrypted Messaging Apps on Work Phones, Potentially Violating Federal Law…
Judge Denies CFPB Official’s Injunction Against Mulvaney…
A New CFPB Scandal – Cost Overruns for Its New Lux Headquarters…
Bill Clinton Used Tax Dollars to Subsidize Foundation, Employees, Private Email Support…
Program for ex-presidents paid salaries and benefits to Clinton aides at the center of controversies…