Germany has ‘massively weakened’ its climate action plan for next week’s G20 summit in Hamburg in order to appease Donald Trump. According to a shocked report in the green, EU-linked propaganda outlet Climate Change News this represents a disastrous cultural surrender which “….shows the degree to which the German presidency has bent to the will […]
G20: A Summit Full of Contradictions…
Trump and Putin to Meet for First Time on Friday Morning…
Gorbachev: World Tired of Tension, Needs Dialogue Between Russia and U.S….
Germany Surrenders to Trump, Waters Down G20 Climate Plan by James Delingpole…
Stratospheric in Consequence – President Trump Policy Speech: “Unleashing American Energy”…
We outlined the significance of this yesterday. Today President Trump delivers a speech (video and transcript below) outlining the entire energy initiative, and what is currently underway to fundamentally change the way the entire energy sector is actualized within the U.S. economy and beyond. President Trump and Energy Secretary Rick Perry, together with EPA Secretary […]
Obama: Leaving the Paris Agreement is Anti-Democratic?…
China & Russia’s G20 Message: Confrontation with West Not Our Desire…
China Forgot to Provide Staircase for Obama at Airport…Putin Brought Homemade Ice Cream to Xi…
G20: Revamping Global Economic Governance…
When the Group of 20 (G20) leaders gather in China seeking a remedy for sluggish global economic growth, something equally consequential will also be on the table: revamping global economic governance…