According to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) data, there were 14,417 federally-insured banking institutions in the U.S. in 1985. As of December 31, 2023, the FDIC reports there are only 4,587 remaining. The vast majority of the 9,830 banks that have disappeared since 1985 did not fail – they were merged with other banks…
Judge Sets Bail to $1 Million for Lancaster Protesters…
“The crimes that these defendants are facing include serious felony offenses,” Hickey said in an email. “This is not a new or unheard of practice and falls within the rules of criminal procedure.”…
Ilhan Omar Must Resign: New Evidence from Nearly Three Dozen Somalis Reveals a Probable Spree of Felonies…
The “open secret” is now simply open. Yet the media cowardice continues…