Every year, about 2.3 million American renter households receive eviction papers at some point. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we might see that many evictions in one month. Global advisory firm Stout, with input from the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel (NCCRC), used census survey results and income data to develop a new […]
Trump Wants Short-Term Relief Bill to Extend Jobless Benefits, Halt Evictions…
President Trump and Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin said Wednesday they want to negotiate a short-term coronavirus relief bill with Democrats to prevent evictions and extend unemployment benefits that are due to expire on Friday. “We’re focused on those two things, we want to take care of them now,” Mr. Trump told reporters. “The rest we […]
99-Year-Old Woman Faces Eviction from San Fran Apt She Rented for Life…
Iris Canada, 99, has lived in her home for more than half a century, but she is facing eviction over $164,000 in legal fees that were accrued during a fight in housing court…