Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s ‘Front National’ party has launched her campaign with scathing attacks on globalisation, radical Islam and the European Union. She told supporters in Lyon that globalisation was slowly choking communities to death. Le Pen said the solution lies in “intelligent protectionism and economic patriotism”…
The-Other-“Ban” that Was Quietly Announced Last Week…
Most of the world is in an uproar right now over the travel ban that Donald Trump hastily imposed late last week on citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries. But there was another ban that was quietly proposed last week, and this one has far wider implications: a ban on cash…
“United we stand, divided we fall”, Letter by Pres Donald Tusk to Heads of State or Gov’t…
Dear colleagues, In order to best prepare our discussion in Malta about the future of the European Union of 27 member states, and in light of the conversations I have had with some of you, let me put forward a few reflections that I believe most of us share. The challenges currently facing the European […]
German Population Explodes to Record 83 Million, Spends €22 Billion on Asylum Seekers…
Angela Merkel’s legacy is that of a Germany with a record-high population of 82.8 million thanks to her open-door migration policy. The country is seeing net migration of at least 750,000 per year, a totally irresponsible and unsustainable policy. Germany’s federal government spent an astonishing €22 billion on asylum seekers in 2016…
Supreme Court Ruling Rocks Brexit…Straightforward Brexit Bill to be Published Within Days…
Brexit secretary to respond quickly to supreme court judgment and put forward legislation focusing on article 50…
Trump Fires Up Europe’s Anti-Establishment Movement…
“The genie will not go back into the bottle again, whether you like it or not.” — Geert Wilders, MP and head of the Party for Freedom, the Netherlands. A growing number of Europeans are rebelling against decades of government-imposed multiculturalism, politically correct speech codes and mass migration from the Muslim world…
Gladio Again: Germany Could’ve But Didn’t Stop Berlin Attacker. Why?…
According to German broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW), German security and intelligence agencies were particularly familiar with the Berlin attacker, Anis Amri, long before he plowed a large truck into a Christmas market, killing 12 and injuring many more…
Soros Fears His ‘Open Society’ New World Order Vision Is Being Threatened…
Open societies are in crisis, and various forms of closed societies – from fascist dictatorships to mafia states – are on the rise. Because elected leaders failed to meet voters’ legitimate expectations and aspirations, electorates have become disenchanted with the prevailing versions of democracy and capitalism…
Aleppo: The Untold Story…
Heads Up Americans: Your U.S. Taxpayers Dollars at Work Under Obama. You Paid for it. Watch it. (VIDEO)…
Eerie drone footage taken by RT’s Ruptly agency has revealed extreme devastation in eastern Aleppo, with crumbling homes and deserted streets replacing a once-lively area of the city…
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