Released ahead of the annual winter World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland — a yearly gathering of some of the planet’s richest and most influential — the frightening new report from UK-based Oxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief), reveals a dire gap between those who have all too much and those who have little to nothing. Founded in 1942 to, as the name implies, counter global famine, […]
Planet Earth Is On Course for a “Little Ice Age”…
Experts told Daily Star Online planet Earth is on course for a “Little Age Ice” within the next three years thanks to a cocktail of climate change and low solar activity. Research shows a natural cooling cycle that occurs every 230 years began in 2014 and will send temperatures plummeting even further by 2019. Scientists […]
Milky Way Being Pushed Through Space by Cosmic Dead Zone…
The Milky Way is being “pushed” through space by a cosmic dead zone that lurks half a billion light years from Earth, researchers claim. Located on the far side of the constellation of Lacerta, the Lizard, the vast patch of nothingness appears to have a striking dearth of galaxies compared to the rest of its […]