This outline has five video segments for review. I warn you in advance the brutality on these videos is very disturbing…
VOX Editor’s Advice: ‘If Trump comes to your town, start a riot’…
VOX Editor Suspended…
This Trump Protester Says ‘No Reason to Respect the Laws’…
Donald Trump Supporters Terrorized By Raging Mobs In San Jose – A Democrat Mayor and Police Chief Watched It All…
Glenn Beck Suspended by SiriusXM for ‘Assassinate’ Trump interview…
SiriusXM announced Tuesday it was suspending Glenn Beck for a week of broadcasts on its Patriot Channel 125 due to comments made by guest Brad Thor…
Hillary’s Other $225,000 Speech – Paid By Law Firm Suing Trump University…
Whoops! Judge ‘Mistakenly’ Unsealed Too Many Records in Trump U Lawsuit…
Late on Tuesday, Judge Curiel entered new order that essentially tries to put the toothpaste back in the tube…