This outline has five video segments for review. I warn you in advance the brutality on these videos is very disturbing…
VOX Editor Suspended…
This Trump Protester Says ‘No Reason to Respect the Laws’…
Donald Trump Supporters Terrorized By Raging Mobs In San Jose – A Democrat Mayor and Police Chief Watched It All…
Glenn Beck Suspended by SiriusXM for ‘Assassinate’ Trump interview…
SiriusXM announced Tuesday it was suspending Glenn Beck for a week of broadcasts on its Patriot Channel 125 due to comments made by guest Brad Thor…
Hillary’s Other $225,000 Speech – Paid By Law Firm Suing Trump University…
Whoops! Judge ‘Mistakenly’ Unsealed Too Many Records in Trump U Lawsuit…
Late on Tuesday, Judge Curiel entered new order that essentially tries to put the toothpaste back in the tube…