Three videos show the Sanders revolt inside the convention following Hillary’s nomination. Hundreds of empty delegate seats can be seen throughout the convention center…
Sanders Supporters, Black Lives Matter Take the Streets…
Tinder Box in Philly: Delegates Storm DNC Media Tent, Torch Fence, Thugs With Baseball Bats Allegedly Heading to Convention…
Watch Sanders’ Delegates Walkout in Droves…
#Demexit: Half the Convention Walked Out Following Hillary’s Nomination Last Night (VIDEOS)…
Read the DNC Class Action Lawsuit…
And You Don’t Believe Establishment Media Isn’t in the Tank for Hillary and DNC…
The “dark speech” theme was obviously a canned response by the Clinton campaign. Her independent media (not) dutifully repeated it over and over…
Operation “Summer of Chaos” Led by DeRay McKesson…
An Estimated 30k+ Protesters Anticipated at DNC Convention in Philadelphia…
Sanders Refuses to Quit Race With 1,900 Bernie Delegates Attending DNC…
Bernie Sanders will remain in the Democratic presidential race until the convention in July and keep pushing his opponent Hillary Clinton on the issues he believes matter to voters…