A Pennsylvania state representative is accused of taking money from her own nonprofit and spending it on luxury expenses. Democratic Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell, who founded Motivations Education & Consultation Associates, allegedly diverted Medicaid and Social Security disability funds from the nonprofit and spent them on designer clothing, vacations, luxury car payments, real estate purchases, and […]
Poll: ‘Transgender’ Men Ads Lead to 8-Point Voter Swing to Republican Matt Bevin from Democrat Andy Beshear…
A conservative group notes polling data shows an eight-point swing in voters’ shift to incumbent GOP Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin from Democrat candidate Andy Beshear after they view ads highlighting Beshear’s support of biological men competing in women’s sports. The Campaign for American Principles (CAP) states: The ads are moving voters in an incredible way […]
More Evidence That Guccifer 2 Planted His Russian Breadcrumbs…
Newly discovered evidence suggests that Guccifer 2 deliberately planted Russian (and Romanian) language indications, but mistakenly left his system’s US/UK decimal point style settings in force. This argues against Guccifer 2 being either a native Russian (or a native Romanian). In a previous report, Guccifer 2’s Russian Breadcrumbs, we analyzed the 40/so documents that Guccifer […]
New Democratic Slogan Is Reminiscent Of Papa John’s Pizza…
The Democrat Party is still struggling with its messaging, now releasing a slogan that sounds awfully similar to Papa John’s Pizza. According to Jeff Stein, a reporter with Vox, the new Democrat slogan will be “A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages”…
Democrats Say They Sometimes Need To Ignore Elections In Order To Win…
Toward the end of the 2016 presidential election, as polls showed a tighter-than-expected contest in Michigan, the Hillary Clinton campaign faced a dilemma over just how aggressively it needed to act. While aides worried about the possibility of losing the industrial Midwest stronghold, they also feared that if they moved significant resources into the state […]
The DNC and DCCC Confirm They Won’t Support Progressive Candidates…
From Russia, with Panic: Cozy Bears, Unsourced Hacks–and a Silicon Valley Shakedown…
The Russians hacked America. After Donald Trump’s surprise victory in November, these four words reverberated across the nation. Democratic Party insiders, liberal pundits, economists, members of Congress, spies, Hollywood celebrities, and neocons of every stripe and classification level—all these worthy souls reeled in horror at the horribly compromised new American electoral order…
For Every Living-Wage Job, There Are Seven People Looking for Work…
Living-wage jobs are scarce in the United States. The People’s Action Institute (PAI), a national organization with the goal of achieving economic, racial, gender and climate justice, just released a study that reinforces the profound need for jobs that pay a wage people can live on. A PAI news release states…
Glenn Greenwald – Democratic Party Is Broken & Failed (VIDEO)…
Tucker Carlson interviews Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept about why the Democratic party is broken and failed right now and what they should do to try and get the middle class back on their side, if they even can at this point…
Elitist Democrats Consider Abandoning Rural America…
The Democratic establishment relies on the status quo to recoup their election losses. Despite losing congressional elections across the country in 2016, the Democratic Party re-elected Rep. Ben Ray Lujan—who ran unopposed—to chair the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. In 2008, Democrats held 257 seats in the House of Representatives, compared to 178 for Republicans. In […]