A left-wing group backed by billionaire Democratic mega-donor George Soros that falsely claims to fight disinformation paid nearly seven figures to individuals behind the discredited Steele dossier, a Clinton campaign-funded disinformation document, new documents show…
Is Durham Circling Jake Sullivan? The Special Counsel May Not Be Done with Biden’s National Security Adviser…
Last month Washington was rocked by the indictment of Michael Sussman, former counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, for his alleged role in spreading a false Russia conspiracy theory…
Biden Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Tied to Alleged 2016 Clinton Scheme to Co-Opt the CIA and FBI to Tar Trump…
The ties between Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan, the White House Security Adviser now indicted by John Durham’s grand jury…
Charity Backed By Silicon Valley Tech Titans Gave $500K To Fusion GPS-Linked Group…
A Silicon Valley charity gave $500,000 to a nonprofit group founded by a former Senate staffer who is working with Fusion GPS and Trump dossier author Christopher Steele. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF), which has received significant funding from tech industry billionaires, gave the donation in 2018 to Advance Democracy Inc., a Virginia-based 501(c)(3) […]
Soros Has Given $1 Million to Group Linked to Fusion GPS for Trump-Russia Investigation…
George Soros, the billionaire financier who supports numerous progressive causes, has provided $1 million in funding for a nonprofit group that works closely with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the infamous Steele dossier. Soros is considering providing more funding for the group, the Democracy Integrity Project, according to The New York Times. […]