The country’s fourth pandemic wave has slowed but ‘on too high a level,’ the chancellor said…
PCR ‘TEST INVENTOR: “It doesn’t tell you that you are sick’…
The MSM have been going all out trying to pretend this never happened, turns out it did…
False Positive Tests by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick…
More troubling, right now, than the very poor sensitivity of COVID19 testing (high number of false negatives) is the knotty question of how many false positive tests there are? This is important, because we are told that cases are rising and rising as we suffer a ‘second wave’ of COVID19…
Accuracy of U.S. Wuhan Virus Data Thrown Into Question As Decline in Testing Skews Drop in New Cases…
The country recorded an average of 52,875 new cases every day over the last seven days, down 19% from 65,285 new cases per day on July 28…