Democrat presidential candidates took part in the Polk County Democrats Steak Fry in Iowa Saturday, which featured thousands of sizzling steaks. Their participation follows weeks of climate change alarmism from the presidential candidates, many of whom have signaled support for limiting beef consumption in order to combat what they say is a looming climate catastrophe. […]
CHASER: Eating Meat Could Be Banned Like Smoking Says Climate Change Barrister. Calls for New Crime Called ‘Ecocide’…
Chief of World Meteorological Organization Castigates Climate Alarmists…
The head of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) issued an unprecedented rebuke to climate alarmists in an interview published by a Finnish magazine on Sept. 6. Petteri Taalas, the secretary-general of the WMO, told Talouselämä magazine that he called for a calm and rational approach to the climate debate, and disagreed with those who are […]
OPINION: The Left’s Determination to Destroy the U.S. from Within by Patricia McCarthy…
How deranged and thoroughly despicable are the California and national Left? How depraved is Governor Newsom? They and he are a collective blight on the nation. They are not alone in their immorality, in their contempt for civilized society. Democrats, who have long led their hostage cities and states to inevitable decline, are absolutely to […]
So-Called Dems Want a Ban on Everything: Fracking, Straws, Light Bulbs, Meat, Oil, Coal, Gas…
Democrats appearing at CNN’s marathon 7-hour global warming forum have a plan to solve a changing climate: Ban everything! Over the course of the television extravaganza, Democrats’ leading 2020 presidential candidates floated a variety of proposals to cut Americans’ energy use and, ostensibly, to stop the climate from changing. Among them: Bans on plastic straws, […]
Joe Biden’s Eye Fills with Blood During CNN Climate Town Hall (VIDEO)…
The T-Room here: Former VP Joe Biden apparently has a serious health issue. During last night’s CNN Climate Change town hall it appears he had a Subconjuctival Hemorrhage. His health is quite questionnable. Maybe the stress of the campaign is beginning to take its toll on his health. Maybe. Best of luck to Mr. Biden…
Imagine That!: Socialist Democrat Is a Eugenicist Who Supports Women of Color from Third World Countries Abort Their Babies to Save the World…
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has came under fire from conservatives on social media Thursday after he said he would be open to discussing population control as a means to combat climate change. The presidential candidate made the comments on Wednesday at a climate town hall on CNN after he was asked by an attendee about […]
This Picture Spoke a Thousand Words About ‘Climate Change’ — Until It Didn’t @CNN @BBC @AlGore…
Bjorn Lomberg writes on Facebook: Oops, remember that viral sled-on-water picture showing “our ongoing climate catastrophe” (CNN)? Turns out it is entirely normal, happened in the 1800s, and will probably happen *less* with higher temps. But Al Gore wants permission to use it in his slideshow. In the article Lomborg cites, it says: Spring in […]
Even Axios Gets the Willies About Bernie Sanders Plan to Restructure Your Life. Entirely…
In a startling Axios summary list called “Bernie Sanders’ 2020 plan to restructure your life,” Axios publisher Jim Vanderhei (and Juliet Bartz) is sounding the alarm about the nightmare scenario of a potential Bernie Sanders presidency. The piece was featured in Mike Allen’s widely read Top 10 — at the top. It’s a piece that […]
Sanders Declares China Has Done More to Address Extreme Poverty While Not Mentioning China Stole America’s Jobs…
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