Both the House and the Senate are investigating whether the former President Barack Obama’s administration used intelligence in a salacious “Trump Dossier” as “evidence” before a secret federal surveillance court to obtain permission to spy on Donald Trump campaign aides and later his transition team. Leaders in Congress are trying to find out if the […]
House Intel’s Subpoena Forced The Dossier Client Revelation…
What Did Hillary Clinton Know?…
PerkinsCoie Letter Relieving Fusion GPS of Privilege…
Three Fusion GPS, Buzzfeed and Steele Dossier Files (scroll down on page to zip file)…
Congress Probes Whether Obama DOJ Used the ‘Trump Dossier’ Before Surveillance Court…
Grassley Presses FBI on Use of Foreign Intel in Russia Investigation…
In light of revelations that Christopher Steele pushed dossier allegations to British intelligence last year, in addition to working with Fusion GPS, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley pressed the FBI to explain what steps it took to determine whether the underlying source of any foreign intelligence used in the FBI’s Russia investigation was actually […]
FBI Fights Public Release of Trump Dossier Info…
Next Stop for Trump Dossier Probe: the FBI…
In late July, the Justice Department refused a request from the Senate Judiciary Committee — a bipartisan, joint request from Chairman Charles Grassley and Ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein — to make two top FBI officials available for an interview in the committee’s investigation of the Trump dossier and other matters…
Trump Dossier Testimony Could Be Published by Senate Judiciary…
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said on Wednesday that he’s open to releasing a transcript of an interview given this week by Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Trump dossier firm Fusion GPS. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, said at a town hall meeting that the Judiciary panel…