The US State Department, the Republican Party Institute and Igor Kolomoisky can’t all be wrong about what the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian voters is thinking – that there is a civil war in the Ukraine which cannot be won by US arms, money, and putsches in Kiev. The question to be decided on polling day, […]
Canada Begins First Steps Toward USMCA Ratification…
Chrystia Freeland has presented the initial procedural process for the Canadian Parliament to take up a bill to pass the USMCA. However, the Canadian window is short, if they don’t ratify the trade pact by the end of June, the Canadian parliament will go into legislative recess until after the general elections October 21st, 2019…
Lighthizer Submits 90-day U.S.-Mexico Trade Modification Notification to Congress…
U.S. Trade Represenative Robert Lighthizer releases a statement announcing the administration is filing a NAFTA Section 2202 trade modification “notification of intent” letter to congress: Washington, DC – U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer today issued the following statement regarding the status of trade negotiations with Mexico and Canada: “Today the President notified the Congress of […]
Will Revisit Next Wednesday After Poll-Testing Canadian Sentiment…
Why Canada Defends Ukrainian Fascism…
Canada has a reputation for being a relatively progressive state with universal, single-payer health care, various other social benefits, and strict gun laws, similar to many European countries but quite unlike the United States. It has managed to stay out of some American wars, for example, Vietnam and Iraq, portrayed itself as a neutral “peace […]
Canada’s Chrystia Freeland – Michael Chomiak Connection: Four Very Close Degrees of Separation…
Canadians should not be surprised by the fact that our Liberal Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, has been hiding a big Nazi skeleton in her family closet. Like so many other ultranationalists in the Ukrainian émigré community whose forbears came to Canada soon after WWII, Freeland has covered up the truth about a close and revered […]
Yet, Another Russia ‘Fake News’ Red Herring by Robert Parry…
On Feb, 27, published an article describing misrepresentations by Canada’s new Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland about her Ukrainian maternal grandfather whom she has portrayed as a hero who struggled “to return freedom and democracy to Ukraine” but left out that he was a Nazi propagandist whose newspaper justified the slaughter of Jews. Over the […]
A Nazi Skeleton in the Family Closet by Arina Tukanova…
On Jan. 10, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau replaced Foreign Minister Stephane Dion with Chrystia Freeland, a former journalist proud of her Ukrainian roots and well-known for her hostility toward Russia. At the time, a big question in Ottawa was why. Some analysts believed that Trudeau’s decision may have started when it still seemed likely […]