Leftist President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday he would remove Cuba from the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism, leaving only Iran, Syria, and North Korea on the list…
Washington and Lee University Stands Behind Course on ‘how to overthrow the state’ Class…
Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich said “overthrow a crazy college administration”…
A course being offered at Washington and Lee for the fall semester focuses on encouraging students to think of ways they can “overthrow a sitting government,” according to the course description on the university’s website…
Beyond Tone Deaf – Candidate Bill de Blasio Quotes Communist Che Guevara in Miami…
Talk About in Your Face Messaging: Prince Charles Shows His True Allegiance in Cuba…Snubs President Trump…
Well, what could be more fitting than British royals snubbing the upstart leader of an upstart former British colony—and one who was elected by “deplorables” to boot? On the other hand, Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla, not only rank as the first British Royals to grace Bolshevik Cuba with a visit—but this week (mirroring president […]
Tim Kaine’s Radical Roots…
According to the media, Tim Kaine took a life transforming “mission” trip to Latin America in 1980. Conveniently left out of these stories, are the radical reality of the Cold War in Latin America and…