@DavidShuster – DNC delegate: If @HillaryClinton withdraws, every indication now committee will vote to replace with Biden. @BernieSanders team scrambling”
Former Gov Ted Strickland: Tim Kaine Is ‘Ready to Become the president’ if Necessary…
Facebook and YouTube Show Frantic Allegiance to Clinton…
Get Ready to Hear ‘Powered Through’ from Every Dem on Planet Earth…
Democrats Making Contingency Plans…Biden? Kaine?…
‘Clinton required a “chartered roundtrip private jet” that needed to be a Gulfstream 450 or a larger aircraft’…
Secret Memo: 42-Page Leaked DNC Document Reveals Clinton Foundation Scandal ‘Vulnerabilities’ for Hillary Clinton…
The secret document, titled “Clinton Foundation Vulnerabilities Master Doc FINAL,” is one of several newly released internal memos obtained by the hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0”…