A few months ago The Washington Post reported that Facebook collects ninety-eight data points on each of its nearly two billion users. Among this ninety-eight are ethnicity, income, net worth, home value, if you are a mom, if you are a soccer mom, if you are married, the number of lines of credit you have, […]
Congress Hands Government Authority to Microchip People with ‘Mental Disabilities’…
While this quietly passed last week under the guise of helping parents and guardians of children and adults suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia, developmental disabilities such as autism as the like, after you watch this video, you will clearly see where the program in H.R. 4919 could be abused by…
The FBI Has Collected Over 411M Photos for Its Facial Recognition System…
The bureau has compiled over 411 million photos, including more than 173 million driver’s license photos, as part of the new biometric effort…