A sharp downturn in commercial real estate performance could have a big impact on the banking sector, but not big enough to destabilize the financial system, according to analysis from one of the top real estate economists in the country…
These Are the Banks with the Most Uninsured Deposits…
Today, there is at least $7 trillion in uninsured bank deposits in America…
Senator Sherrod Brown Calls for Breaking Up the Wall Street Banks; Elizabeth Warren Tells Fed: “I Don’t Believe You’re Doing Your Job”…
“We have to break up the biggest banks, and give that power to everyone else who has been denied a voice in our economy…
This Is the Fear Chart That the Smart Money on Wall Street Is Watching…
The chart that tells you how all of today’s economic troubles are going to end is not the bar graph of new deaths from coronavirus in Italy versus deaths in the U.S. It’s the chart that shows the number of potential deaths among the banks and insurance companies that have gorged themselves on risky derivatives […]
Secret FBI Subpoenas for Personal Data Go Far Beyond Previously Known…
Secret subpoenas issued by the FBI for personal data go far deeper than previously known, according to new documents obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, according to the New York Times. The agency says the sweeping requests are crucial to counterterrorism efforts – however the new records […]
Whistleblower Implicates Deutsche Bank in $150 Billion Money Laundering Scandal…
Just when Deutsche Bank probably thought the worst of its legal troubles (over the Libor scandal, sales of shoddy mortgage-backed securities, FX and precious metal rigging which collective resulted in tens of billions in legal fines) were behind it, the struggling German lender is being drawn deeper into the biggest money laundering scandal in European […]
Danske Bank Probe Expands As JPM, Deutsche Bank, BofA Face Scrutiny…
Rescuing the Banks Instead of the Economy…
You can’t bail out the banks, leave the debts in place, and rescue the economy. It’s a zero-sum game. Somebody has to lose. That’s what happened in 2009 when President Obama came in. He invited the bankers to the White House and he said, “I’m the only guy standing between you and the mob with […]
Bank CEO Reveals How Obama Administration Shook Him Down…
The former CEO of Ally Financial Inc. says the Obama administration abused its power by holding the bank’s business hostage in order to coerce a record settlement of “trumped-up” racism charges and push profit-killing new regulations on the entire auto-lending industry. The huge $100 million deal has spooked several other major lenders into resolving similar […]
Stop Financial Crimes Against Older Americans…
In 2006, Philip Marshall had to make a critical decision: turn in his father for exploiting Philip’s grandmother, or do nothing. Philip’s decision to act revealed to the world what remains perhaps the world’s highest profile case of elder abuse. Ultimately, Anthony Marshall was convicted of defrauding his mother, the philanthropist Brooke Astor. While the […]