Presidential qualifications protect America’s national security. Too bad the UniParty or the bought and paid for Senators and Delegates by corporate ignores them because Kamala Harris is no more constitutionally qualified to serve as President as Barack Obama told the world he wasn’t…
The U.S. Constitution Absolutely Prohibits Nikki Haley from Being President or Vice President…
Nikki Haley’s flagrant defiance of the Constitution’s textual prerogative, if allowed to continue, will thrust all that remains of the Framers’ now-enervated handiwork into inexorably aimless waters…
Judge Blocks California Law Requiring Trump Tax Returns…
Delivering a legal win for President Donald Trump, a federal judge on Thursday temporarily barred California from enforcing a law enacted to force the president to release his tax returns in order to appear on the state’s upcoming primary ballot. U.S. District Judge Morrison England Jr. said he’s concerned that the recently signed law could […]
Suing Manhattan DA, Trump Again Delays Financial Scrutiny…
Global Citizen: “Now, three years ago, I visited Kenya as the first sitting American President to come from Kenya” (VIDEO – 5:49)…
The T-Room here: Now why on earth would Obama make such a declaration when visiting Kenya recently? Maybe he’s the asshole many suggest he is or maybe he’s just being a tease or maybe he is in fact the first individual voted into the Office of the Presidency who was in fact not constitutionally eligible […]
KENYA: Nairobi News Outlet Declares ‘Barack Obama is Home, Finally’…
Malik Obama Shares Photo of Brother Barack’s Kenyan ‘Certificate of Birth’…
An Obama has joined the birther movement. Malik Obama, Barack Obama’s half-brother, tweeted image of what appears to be Barack’s birth certificate. Except it’s not from Hawaii, but rather Kenya…
Malik Obama: Surely. What’s This?…
Reinstate Lt. Col. Terry Lakin…Sign the Petition…
A White House petition was launched the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration to “reinstate Lt. Col. Terry Lakin into the U.S. Army with full rank, pay, benefits and pension immediately.” “Court-martialed, imprisoned, expelled from the Army and denied pay, pension and benefits,” declares the petition accurately, “Terry was merely following his officer’s oath and constitutional […]