by Matt Margolis at PJ Media
Last month, the Arizona Senate leadership hired a team of independent auditors to complete a “comprehensive, full forensic audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, including a hand recount of all ballots.” The state Democratic Party tried and failed to stop it, and now it is expanding and may go beyond its original deadline.
According to the Arizona Republic, the audit may go beyond the original 60-day deadline for a report to be issued, partially due to the fact that the venue for the recount, Veterans Memorial Coliseum, is hosting several local high school graduations.
Senate audit liaison and former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett says that they are doubling the number of counters and expanding to three shifts a day instead of two.
Despite the extra manpower, Bennett wouldn’t estimate how long it will take to complete the recount. “We have as much time as we need to do it right,” he said.
The audit has been the target of a significant amount of criticism from the left and supporters of Joe Biden. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow predicted “disaster” from the audit, and claimed that Trump will use the audit to cast doubt on the results “in a way that none of their failed lawsuits in the past have been able to do.”…
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