by Malwarebytes Labs
There are more and more sites that use a clipboard hijacker and instruct victims on how to infect their own machine.
I realize that may sound like something trivial to steer clear from, but apparently it’s not because the social engineering behind it is pretty sophisticated.
At first, these attacks were more targeted at people that could provide cybercriminals a foothold at a targeted company, but their popularity has grown so much that now anyone can run into one of them.
It usually starts on a website that promises visitors some kind of popular content: Movies, music, pictures, news articles, you name it.
Nobody will think twice when they are asked to prove they are not a robot.

But the next step in this method isn’t what you would normally see. If you use the checkbox, you’ll be forwarded to something that looks like this:

“To better prove you are not a robot, please:…
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