1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming
Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS:
17 CIA
37 FBI
23 NSA
38 DHS
Tweeted by Name Redacted at Thread Reader
3. As @mtaibbi detailed in #TwitterFiles Part 6, we know there was massive coordination of censorship between the FBI & Twitter during 2020-2022.
Who is controlling “misinfo” censorship at Facebook?
Is there similar coordination between Facebook & the Intelligence community?
5. Aaron Berman (He/Him) leads the Misinformation Policy team at Facebook.
According to Aaron’s public LinkedIn profile, he worked for the CIA for 17 years.

7. On Twitter, Aaron is followed by Yoel Roth & admits he is friends with Trust & Safety people at Twitter.
Was Facebook coordinating with Twitter on info-sharing to censor posts they deem as ‘misinfo’?
8. Aaron admits to specific Facebook campaigns where he tackles “misinfo.”
Re: COVID19, they allow ‘health authorities’ to guide what Facebook should label as misinformation