As an investigative journalist, my examination of the Dominion computerized voter systems which has a long and storied history of manipulating voter results with documented complaints from both Democrat and Republican officials, has made me realize that the problem of voter fraud with the computerized technology used is far broader than Dominion. While Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell has made an articulate case regarding the specifics of Dominion’s corruption of the 2020 election results, a closer examination shows that the issue is far more widespread and grave, and that none other than Microsoft Founder Bill Gates himself is the ringmaster at this much more extensive circus.
Microsoft developed the program that was used to change votes and then licensed the software to not only Dominion, but essentially every other computerized voter machine operated tabulation system.
In an official press release published by Microsoft on September 24, 2019, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella announced the availability of “Election Guard”.
“ElectionGuard is accessible by design and will make voting more secure, verifiable and efficient anywhere it’s used in the United States or in democratic nations around the world. Today we’re announcing that ElectionGuard is now available on GitHub so that major election technology suppliers can begin integrating ElectionGuard into their voting systems.
“As we’ve previously announced, all major manufacturers of voting systems in the United States are working with us to explore ways to incorporate ElectionGuard into their systems including Clear Ballot, Democracy Live, Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, Hart InterCivic, BPro, MicroVote, Smartmatic and VotingWorks. We’ve worked deeply with many of these companies over the summer to prepare them for today’s SDK release.”
The ElectionGuard specification includes both “informal” and “formal” road maps for how ElectionGuard works. The informal spec is authored by Dr. Josh Benaloh of Microsoft Research and provides the conceptual and mathematical basis for end-to-end verifiable elections with ElectionGuard. The formal spec contains detailed guidance manufacturers will need to incorporate ElectionGuard into their systems, including a full description of the API – which is the way voting systems communicate with the ElectionGuard software – and the stages of an end-to-end verifiable election.
So in other words, through his “Defending Democracy” program, which was established in 2018, Bill Gates has infected the voting machinery across the country in an effort that would eventually eradicate in person voting and result in our future elections being carried out on the Internet.
Two days after the election, Dr. Josh Benaloh, the Senior Principal Cryptographer at Microsoft Research appeared on the V-NEXT podcast to talk about his work with Microsoft developing the “ElectionGuard” software and “end to end verifiability” and his push to move future elections and voting online, which would eliminate in person voting, assign voters’ digital identities through a federal registry, and establish a technocracy over our elections systems…
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