by Tracy Beanz at Uncover DC
Americans worried about the government conspiring with social media companies to censor their speech aren’t conspiracy theorists. It’s been proven.
Just this past Friday, what appears to be one of the only honest judges left in America ordered several key figures to sit for depositions in a court case brought against the Federal Government by the states of Louisiana and Missouri. In the case, the states allege that several key bureaucracies in the Federal government have conspired with big tech companies to censor free speech on social media platforms.
When the case was filed, the judge granted a very rare expedited discovery. That expedited discovery produced profound results. Now, the parties returned to court to ask the judge to force people who wouldn’t usually be subject to deposition at all, let alone in an expedited manner, to sit for depositions to get them under oath about what they have done.
The judge granted that request, and his order illuminates a conspiracy that spans almost every government institution, in direct contravention of the United States Constitution, and worse than any of us could’ve really imagined.
To summarize, we learned Friday that Anthony Fauci, the State Department, CISA, the CDC, the White House and other government organizations have each engaged in unconstitutional, and quite frankly, Orwellian behavior, and it has been proven (not alleged, proven) that they have acted in this manner. Some gems? The head of CISA has designated your THOUGHTS as “critical infrastructure” within the United States government, and the Census Bureau got involved with tracking down people posting what the ministry of truth considers “Mis, dis, or Mal-information.” CISA is calling your thoughts “Cognitive Infrastructure,” and the Census Bureau is somehow assisting the government with censoring facts it doesn’t like.
Those are only two points of a wide ranging decision…
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