by Nick Arama at RedState
On Saturday, 4Chan users announced that they had managed to crack a backup of Hunter Biden’s iPhone. They also got access to an iPad that he shared with another member of his family.
There were a lot of things to wade through — from sex and drugs, with Hunter Biden allegedly examining his perineum, to a ton of arguments with Hallie Biden, his dead brother’s wife with whom he was having a relationship at one point.
There are some things that we have reported on before that are now getting a wider airing after the 4Chan drop, such as a conversation with his cousin Caroline Biden, where she’s talking about setting him up with women and he says “no yellow” (seemingly meaning no Asian women). That’s not only offensive but more than a little ironic given the money he’s made from Chinese connections.
But I wanted to look at some of the things released so far that may relate to Joe Biden and/or foreign interactions. We will likely have more, but here are some of the highlights that we’ve seen so far.
Hunter sent out a ton of money to other members of the family. While he may have been bringing in a lot of money, most of it seems to have been pouring out to family or for his various issues. As we previously wrote, at various points, Joe Biden was sending him money to bail him out. Here’s a voicemail that appears to be one example of that…
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