by Dov Fischer at The American Spectator
Jonathan Greenblatt at the so-called Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is back at it again, demanding Tucker Carlson’s termination at Fox News for speaking simple obvious truths that have absolutely no bearing on matters pertaining to Jews or to bigotry. So it now devolves on me once again to join this nonsensical fray on the other side — to defend Tucker, to reiterate that Greenblatt simply is an Obama Administration holdover who managed to get hired by the ADL after Obama’s people found themselves out of jobs when that Administration’s tenure ended. Greenblatt has turned a once-vaunted organization that was created to fight anti-Semitism into a wing of the Democrat Party.
Replacement theory absolutely is correct. It indeed is true that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats have embraced and are busily executing a methodical plan to replace — to replace — the American GOP majority electorate with an imported foreign voter pool, brought in from outside the United States. For the pedantic, the term “Replacement” as used in this context does not mean literally to remove from the country and to replace 74,216,154 voters with 74,216,154 other voters. Rather, it means that a conscious, concerted, methodical Democrat effort is afoot to import into the American voting pool a sufficient number of people from outside the demographic of conservative- and centrist-oriented United States citizens eligible to vote so as to create an overwhelming imbalance in voting margins that assures a quasi-permanent majority for the Left’s agglomeration of liberals, progressives, socialists, and others identifying among their “Intersectionalists” and their “Woke.”
The Replacement Voters carefully have been targeted to come from societies that have left them destitute so that they depend desperately on government handouts to survive. Thus, they are not being imported from Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, or Valencia. It is not about language. Such Replacement Voters will vote Democrat by the millions for years to come until they finally get on their own two feet (multiplied by millions). None of this has anything to do with color, religion, language. Rather, it has to do with the culture of the societies from which they now are being imported. It plainly is true.
The 1970s saw the American voter pool move decidedly conservative and Republican after the LBJ era’s excesses destroyed core American values and disillusioned Americans to turn away from the liberalism that had won some endearment after the 1929 crash and the rebounds — both economic and military — that took place during the FDR years, though often despite Roosevelt. The 1960s saw the Warren Court take federal law to extremes on the Left and coddle murderers while Lyndon Johnson moved forward with a “Great Society” myth that, among other things:
- Destroyed the Black family.
- Drove Black men from their homes, their jobs, their wives and their children.
- Consigned Black America to a new era of poverty and economic disadvantage.
- Assured that Black male youths would grow up without fathers as role models at home.
- Laid the foundation for Black young men to populate American prisons disproportionately to their 12 percent of the population.
You wanna talk about “Systemic Racism,” baby? There it is, courtesy of the Democrat Left.
That Leftist agenda of government handouts encouraged…
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