by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Yesterday we were uncertain if it was US Attorney William M McSwain who notified President Trump of Bill Barr’s corruption and blocking of election investigations. {Go Deep} Today President Trump released the letter confirming it was McSwain. [pdf HERE]
In previous comments attributed to AG Bill Barr, he claimed to have seen no evidence of election fraud. The Atlantic Article cites Bill Barr stating to an AP journalist December 1st 2020: ” To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” and then the article covers the fallout with the White House from that AP interview.
There’s a big difference between not seeing election fraud and purposefully blocking a United States Attorney from investigating allegations of fraud with a motive not to see it. This is blood-boiling:
You can read the full BACKSTORY HERE…
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