by Elizabeth Stauffer at The Western Journal
Wisconsin election officials removed more than 205,000 names from their voter rolls on Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.
State election laws require that every two years, officials must identify registered voters who have not cast a ballot in the past four years via the Electronic Registration Information Center. These individuals are contacted by mail. Unless the commission hears from an individual who wishes to remain on the list by the specified deadline, his or her name is to be purged.
Wisconsin Elections Commission officials told the AP that 174,307 voter registrations had been deactivated because those individuals hadn’t voted in four years and failed to reply to a mailing. They said they deactivated an additional 31,854 registrations of voters who may have moved and did not respond to the mailing.
An interesting situation arose in the summer of 2019. Elections officials identified more than 230,000 voters who may have moved.
Yet the commission voted to keep their registrations active “until after the April 2021 election to give them several chances to affirm they hadn’t moved,” the AP reported.
According to the report, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, a conservative nonprofit law firm, filed a lawsuit to force the commission to take those names off the list. The case wound up in the state Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of the Elections Commission. Naturally.
Yes, the commission had identified nearly a quarter of a million names of voters who had likely moved out of state and had not responded to a mailing.
This in a state that then-President Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden by just over 20,000 votes out of more than 3 million cast. On Oct. 28, just six days before the election, The Washington Post released a poll showing Biden ahead by 17 points.
Questions about election fraud in Wisconsin continue…