by Richard the Saint at RtS – The Power Pen
T-Minus 16 Days
Well, let’s get predictions out of the way. If I were a betting man, I would say things will settle somewhere in this neighborhood…. but I could be wrong.

Who knows, he may even snag New Mexico. Much more on this in a few minutes.

The story had all sorts of twists and turns but in the final scene, Thomas Crown was apparently telegraphing his own arrest by informing authorities of his arrival and then showing up at the museum wearing a uniquely identifying piece of clothing…..a bowler’s hat. He even peered into the security camera to let them know he’d arrived, so all they had to do was close in on him and it was game over. But suddenly, intermingled with the rest of the crowd, dozens upon dozens of men began appearing around every corner wearing the identical black bowlers’ hat and suit.
The authorities were suddenly chasing ghosts and Thomas Crown went from being…
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