by BoxerPaws at America First
If you’re sick of me writing about the topic ad infinitum, not to worry. I’m only going to keep writing about it until someone proves me wrong.
Where do we start? How about when the Democrats and their propaganda arm (cable news & other media)told us the Nov 3 election was likely going to be a screw up and we might not know the end result election day;like we normally do.
So you might ask, why is that? There must be a reason. The main reason is that the Democrat controlled states changed election laws but not through the legislature where the Constitution says it MUST take place. They violated the Constitution and state law in critical states and got away with it. Those votes should have been invalidated immediately. At the least there should have been an audit. In the end though 2 things should have happened: VP Mike Pence could have refused to certify those electors and sent it back to the states OR the Supreme Court should have taken a look at the complaint(s) re corruption.
What happened was obvious on election night. We saw it with our own 2 eyes and it all happened simultaneously. The states in question couldn’t come up with the results as Trump was winning by a HUGE lead. What are the odds? Georgia had an excuse.
Remember seeing this!!
Our eyes work & so do our brains.
A burst pipe has slowed the counting of absentee-by-mail ballots in the Georgia county that includes Atlanta by four hours — likely ruining any hope that the state’s election results will be known on Tuesday night.
The media nervously made a big deal of the problem but as reported later it was a bogus excuse. It may have been so small a break it didn’t matter or it never happened at all,but either way none of the ballots were damaged to begin with.
Note that none of the Republican(red)states that followed election law had any issues. The vote was counted and the results called whether it was for Biden or Trump. Even the Democrat state with THE largest population called the state of California for Biden right off the bat.
It didn’t pass the smell test. Remember Hillary telling Biden, “don’t concede under ANY circumstances” . You could tell someone not to concede if the results were questionable-that makes sense and it’s perfectly legit. It does happen. It doesn’t fly to tell someone not to concede under ANY circumstances.
Election night is the night they finally pulled off the coup. All they had to do was set up the election in critical states to permit fraud. The only thing that caught them off guard was Trump’s massive landslide. It’s one thing to calculate enough votes to swing an election.It’s another to have enough votes to beat a landslide. It’s not impossible but it is more difficult. Talk about chutzpah. They had the audacity to brag publicly about the rigged election giving up their plot. They use verbal engineering rather than call it for what was. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/wow-time-magazine-admits-great-detail-2020-election-rigged-trump-secret-cabal-wealthy-politically-connected-elites/
Now to analyze that, we will look to a Democrat pollster who examined the results in depth. You can take his bias into account while reading the article but what really stands out is that Democrats and minorities swung to Trump. Republicans stuck with Trump-that’s a given. Trump’s approval among Republicans has been consistently high and his base is going nowhere. What we learn from the article is that he persuaded Democrats and minorities to vote for him.
Regardless of the obvious anti Trump bias,it still presents facts you can glean from it.
So who voted for Biden then if Biden supposedly got the most votes of any candidate in history and actually surpassed Obama? You’re buying that?!

A few noteworthy aspects of the Biden campaign:
He didn’t really campaign. He barely left his residence and rarely went past his home state of Delaware. They were almost always putting a lid on his campaign. He’s just lucky the media carried water for him. Biden’s rallies were abysmal and any of his virtual appearances have yet to get even close to the 80 million supporters they claim he had.
On the other hand Trump’s Cpac Speech buried the Golden Globe Awards.
Trump’s show-stopping return to the political realm with a CPAC speech that brought down the house and put his enemies on notice was a ratings smash, drawing millions of viewers on social media and live streaming networks alone.
According to a quick search, you can see that Trump’s speech received well over 10 million views on YouTube ALONE!
RightSideBroadcasting – 3.8 million views I would make special note of how well rsbn.tv does in viewership;they depend on viewer donation too, NOT corporate sponsorship
Fox News – 3.3 million views
Reuters – 965,000 views
The Hill – 932,000 views
ABC News – 234,000 views
The Independent – 1.3 million views
That’s over 10,500,000 million views from just YouTube alone, not counting Facebook, Cable news networks and the hundreds of streaming platforms out there.
On the flip side, this year’s edition of the Golden Globes, another of those silly ceremonies where haughty celebrities bestow meaningless awards upon each other, crashed and burned in an epic fashion.
Regardless of the obvious pro Trump bias,it still presents facts you can glean from it.
Source: https://trendingpolitics.com/boom-golden-globes-ratings-get-trounced-by-trumps-epic-cpac-speech/
All of this[combined]is a case of narrative doesn’t match reality.
Let’s step back in time for even more analysis.
Before Trump took his oath of office several things were going on:
We know they were calling for his impeachment. Most people know this. The Democrats weren’t hiding their intentions.
What the general public didn’t know is corrupt actors in government agencies under the direction or at least knowledge of Barack Obama concocted the Russia Hoax and through committing felonies and other [at the least unethical] acts were going to do one of 2 things; keep Trump out of office or remove him once he got there. They started a movement called Resistance and used BLM/ANTIFA as their militant arm inciting an insurrection in various cities. Long story short, the best the phony Mueller report could do was cast doubt on the Trump administration while they were tying to edge Trump into shutting it down so they could claim obstruction of justice. It didn’t happen. The media made sure all the bad actors fell off the radar. The 3 yr hoax was followed by an attempt at impeachment. All of Trump’s 1st term was attacked by the Democrats,the Deep State*, the media and Never Trumpers with one goal in mind. Removal from office and if necessary not by democratic means. If you consider all that they did to try and get him out of office even if meant committing felonies including lying to a FISA court (felony) and the American people(unethical) it begs the question. What WOULDN’T they do to keep him out of office? A corrupt election? Small potatoes. Once they got away with it why wouldn’t they try it again? What’s this-the For the People Act H.R.1 They are trying it again.
We’re not done yet though. They even tried a…
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