President Donald Trump called on GOP leaders in the Senate not to override his veto of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) after the House was able to.
“Weak and tired Republican ‘leadership’ will allow the bad Defense Bill to pass. Say goodbye to VITAL Section 230 termination, your National Monuments, Forts (names!) and Treasures … 5G, and our great soldiers being removed and brought home from foreign lands who do NOTHING for us,” he wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “A disgraceful act of cowardice and total submission by weak people to Big Tech. Negotiate a better Bill, or get better leaders, NOW! Senate should not approve NDAA until fixed!!!”
The Senate is slated to take up the bill starting at 12 p.m. on Tuesday, although Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he would slow down the NDAA veto override to get a vote on the $2,000 stimulus payments to people. The House passed the $2,000 stimulus check bill on Monday night.
The NDAA was passed in the Senate in an 84-13 vote, meaning that Sanders’ efforts to fillibuster will likely be overcome.
Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) said he would join Sanders’ efforts to slow down the measure.
“I will be joining @BernieSanders in blocking the defense bill until we get a vote on $2,000 in direct cash relief. That relief passed in the House today with 44 Republicans voting for it. Senate Republicans must do the same and get the American people the help they need,” Markey wrote on Twitter.
About a week ago, Trump vetoed the NDAA because…
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