by Matthew Ehret at Unlimited Hangout
The recent, pandemic-ridden years have involved a steep and often traumatic learning curve for many citizens across the Trans Atlantic. One particularly shocking revelation that has ripped virally across the internet in recent days revolves around the revelations that the World Economic Forum’s ‘Young Global Leaders’ have been positioned across western governments and powerful private institutions over the past three decades.
Videos of Klaus Schwab bragging that Young Leaders have been positioned across the governments of Canada, Argentina, Europe and beyond are now being posted across social media platforms on a daily basis, confirming the suspicions of many that the World Economic Forum is not a benign business networking operation, as it has tried to project for the credulous. Rather, it is something much darker and insidious.
Set up in 1993 as the Global Leaders of Tomorrow and renamed WEF Young Leaders Forum in 2004 (fueled with funds from such benevolent institutions as JP Morgan Chase and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), over 1400 young leaders (under the age of 38) from both public and private sectors have been processed through the program. For those tapped to become members of this elitist clique, they agree to attend six years of regular WEF conferences featuring seminars, focus groups and other special experiences both at Davos and at regional WEF events, at which point they graduate and become “alumni” who, in turn, become capable of nominating future young leaders.
Just a tiny sampling of the prominent figures who have been processed and installed into positions of influence to advance the WEF globalist agenda over the past 30 years include Angela Merkel, Nicholas Sarkozy, Emmanuel Macron, Tony Blair, Mark Zuckerberg, José Manuel Barroso, Bill Gates, Chrystia Freeland, Pete Buttigieg, Jacinda Arden (PM New Zealand), Jack Ma (Ali Baba founder), Larry Fink (Blackrock CEO), Larry Page (Google founder), Lynn Forrester de Rothschild (Council for Inclusive Capitalism founder), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia founder), Peter Thiel (Paypal founder), Leonardo Di Caprio (tool), Richard Branson (Virgin Records CEO), Jeff Bezos (Amazon founder), Stephan Bancel (Moderna CEO), Pierre Omidyar (Ebay co-founder), Alizia Garza (co-founder BLM), Jonathan Soros (son of sociopath) and, according the Schwab, himself “half the Canadian Cabinet” under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
As important as it is to hold this disturbing fact in mind, it is even more important not to lose sight of the deeper historical forces at play and the older institutional practice of talent searching young blood upon which the YGL Program is based.
Just as Klaus Schwab was never his own man, having been trained by his mentors Maurice Strong (co-founder of the WEF) [1] and his Harvard mentor Henry Kissinger, so too were Klaus’ Young Leaders merely a modern version of an older practice that has been at play for over 114 years. This older institution is the Rhodes Scholarship system and the associated Round Table Movement, which created both Chatham House in 1919 and its American branch, dubbed “The Council on Foreign Relations,” in 1921.
This program has been incredibly influential and has also generated immense damage over the last century. Thousands of young Americans have been processed through the halls of Oxford since its founding who are then re-inserted back into their native land with a religious-like zeal to advance an agenda, the full scope of which very few of them truly comprehend.