by CD News Team at Conservative Daily
“Our national claim to political incorruptibility is actually based on exactly the opposite argument … that wealthy men in assured positions will have no temptation to financial trickery.”
– G.K. Chesterton What’s Wrong With the World (1910)
Once again, the polls “got it wrong,” and we are meant to believe the establishment narrative over the reality before us.
Historically, the president’s party loses votes in midterm elections. In a normal time, during record gas prices, runaway inflation, soaring crime rates, blank checks for silly wars, and overwhelming corruption, incumbents should lose their seats. They would.
In their early Wednesday coverage, Fox News’ Mercedes Schlapp stated, “It’s the night of the incumbent.”
This as Arizona, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and even Texas experienced “glitches” with their electronic voting equipment that impacted Election Day turnout, historically favoring Republicans. Throughout the day, videos and reports of local election officials assuring voters that their votes would count despite issues that prevented a smooth voting experience were reported across these states. Emergency lawsuits to address these issues were quickly and unceremoniously dismissed.
CNN assured everyone that there were no issues, “Stay off social media…Trust us here.”
As results came in,…
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