by Techno Fog at The Reactionary
Today, House Democrats unveiled their Bill to “establish the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex.”
We previously warned about the Democrats’ roadmap to use their investigative authority to further their political goals. We advised that Democrats make the investigation broad enough to subpoena records from conservative groups and websites – and their investors. We warned that they would seek donor lists and personal communications from those having little to do with the events on January 6.
The Democrats’ Bill – which elevates the January 6 “riot” to a “domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol” – proves us right.
The Bill establishes a Commission of 10 members, five appointed by Democrats and five appointed by Republicans. It will be chaired by a Democrat nominee.
The Commission will have powers to:
“Issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of evidence relating to any matter which the Commission is empowered to investigate.”
From that language we look to what the Commission is “empowered to investigate.” This power is extremely broad. And this is where the trouble lies. It includes:
“The facts and causes relating to the January 6, 2021 domestic terrorist attack upon the United States Capitol Complex.”
“The influencing factors that fomented such attack on American representative democracy while engaging in a constitutional process.”
The Danger
The dangerous part about all this is that the subpoena power is limited to the imagination of the Democrat appointees. (We assume the likelihood that at least one Republican member of the Committee will go along with anything the Democrats want, thus giving them majority vote for a subpoena.)
We also note that the Commission is given the power to obtain information from “the intelligence community” to further its investigation.
We cannot stress strongly enough the danger of such powers. The House Democrats – those who have leaked false intelligence to the press and lied to the public about the Carter Page FISA applications – will have access, via their appointees, to raw intelligence data. Their history shows they will not use this information responsibly.
All this just proves that the Commission will be their instrument to inflict massive political harm on the Right. Remember Pelosi’s occupation of the Capitol?
As I said on March 5, 2021:
Continue Reading“If you question the seriousness of the game they’re playing, just look at the security around the Capitol. Currently, over 5,000 National Guard troops, along with fencing and razor wire, protect against a non-existent threat. The occupation is theater to make January 6 more than what it was to justify what is to come.”…