by Piers Morgan at New York Post
“Of all the horrid, hideous notes of woe,” wrote my favorite English poet, Lord Byron, “Sadder than owl-songs or the midnight blast; Is that portentous phrase, ‘I told you so.’”
Or, to put those words in modern-day American vernacular: Nobody likes a smart-ass Monday morning quarterback.
But sometimes, the words “I told you so” need to be said to expose those who saw all the same horrid, hideous signs of woe — and failed to speak up.
The US mainstream media are currently gorging on President Biden’s cognitive decline like ravenous hyenas on the freshly slain carcass of a decrepit old buffalo.
In fact, since his train-wreck debate debacle, the nation’s predominantly liberal-skewed, Democrat-defending journalists have competed with each other as to who can sound the most faux shocked, horrified, appalled, and furrowed-brow-uncomprehending about the physical and mental state of their president.
To which I say, REALLY?…
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