by C. Douglas Golden at The Western Journal
Could Howard Rubin end up tainting George Soros like Jeffrey Epstein tainted so many other billionaires?
Rubin is a top money manager who was a “right-hand man” for the leftist billionaire, according to the New York Post. He worked at the Soros Fund from 2008 to 2015, having come out of retirement to take the job, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.
Now, he’s the subject of a court case — accused by multiple women of engaging in sadistic sex-for-hire practices that went way beyond what they had consented to.
And while he was known to be volatile professionally, it’s not the kind of headline Rubin’s career would suggest.
George Soros’ right-hand man Howard Rubin accused of BDSM crimes in NYC sex dungeon https://t.co/aX7RCvT7lc
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) August 3, 2021
During 30 years on Wall Street, Rubin established a solid record working at other high-end investment firms. He was immortalized in “Liar’s Poker,” the debut book by Michael Lewis of “Moneyball” and “The Big Short” fame. In it, Rubin described how “the trading floor at Salomon Brothers felt like a Las Vegas casino. You made your bets, handled risk, in the midst of a thousand distractions.”
Even then, some viewed him as an out-of-control Wall Street type.
“I saw him throw a chair on the trading floor,” a former co-worker said, according to the Post. “He said, ‘F***. I just lost $50 million!’ and threw a chair at his computer. Then he came back and threw it a second time, even harder. That sums up Howie: High strung, aggressive, does not hold back his feelings. He was a trader whose ego was tied up in being the biggest swinging d*** on Wall Street.”
Others saw a man who was perfectly average for someone in his position.
“I thought he was a nice guy,” one of his co-workers at Soros Fund Management told the Post. “He was a nebbishy Jewish guy and totally normal. I was surprised to hear about him having that apartment.”
“That apartment” refers to a hidden real-estate acquisition of Rubin’s: A “luxurious midtown Manhattan penthouse,” the Post reports, that functioned as a BDSM sex “dungeon” in which Rubin is accused of sexually assaulting and abusing numerous women, among them Playboy playmates.
In November, Rubin’s purported proclivities will be on full display as six of his seven alleged victims will have their day in court, suing the 66-year-old Rubin for $18 million, according to the Post.
The women were sex workers — but the abuse they endured, they said, wasn’t what they were hired for.
“[Rubin] is alleged to have paid his partners as much as $5,000 for each BDSM session. But, the women claim, they did not agree to the degree of abuse and degradation Rubin inflicted,” the Post reported Saturday.
“One of the plaintiffs claims that, while she was bound and vulnerable in Rubin’s lair, he told her ‘I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter’ and then, according to the complaint, forced sex on her against her will. (Rubin has three children with his estranged wife, including at least one daughter.)”
It’s worth noting, however, there are no accusations he sexually abused his daughter — merely that he told a woman that during a forced sex act.
The women say that after they were hired…
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