by Pepe Lives Matter at Pepe’s Fren Zone
Few have dropped more red pills since 2020 than Robert Kennedy Junior.
I’ve compiled some of his greatest hits so you can have them all in one place for swift distribution. Share this and help continue to wake up the populace.
We are winning the narrative war.
You can click this Rumble Link for the entirety of the compilation for a full listen and share.
Robert Kennedy Junior’s Greatest Red Pill Moments.
Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control.
“There are three rules you need to know and should memorize:
Number One: Every power that the government takes from us, it will never relinquish voluntarily. They told us they wanted lockdowns for two weeks, just to flatten the curve, just to help the hospitals. But then 20 months later they still have us locked down. And even when they give up, when they stop the lockdowns and let us go back to normal, they are not relinquishing power. This is so they can do it to you again and again and again. They now have that power and they will never let it go until we make them let it go.
Number Two: Every power they take from us they will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible.
Number Three: Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control.”…
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