by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
When CNN announced they were hosting two debates for the GOPe candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire, the supposition was that the RNC had given two debates to the network. The assumption was because the RNC, and the four remaining first-loser candidates, had previously held an agreement that only RNC sanctioned debates would be permitted, and the candidates would only attend RNC sanctioned debates.
However, it turns out that fake news CNN went rogue in organizing the unsanctioned debates.
There are multiple facets worth considering, and considerable ramifications within the entire construct.
First, the RNC didn’t even know about the plans of CNN. “The respective debates, set for Jan. 10 in Des Moines and Jan. 21 just outside Manchester, aren’t sanctioned by the RNC, which has organized the first four debates, including Wednesday night’s broadcast in Alabama,” according to Politico. Additionally, “campaigns have continuously complained about current RNC rules, which say a candidate who participates in an unsanctioned debate is barred from future RNC-approved gatherings. But the RNC’s debate committee is expected to meet Friday to discuss officially removing that rule, according to three people with knowledge of the group’s plans.”
Fake News CNN lived up to their nickname by not even informing the debate venues of their plan prior to yesterday’s announcement. It’s all very weird and curious:…
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