“Good morning and Happy #Festivus. Today we will air some more grievances in the holiday tradition!” Paul said in a lengthy Wednesday tweetstorm, highlighting various ways the government has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars over the last year alone:
I’ll throw in a new wrinkle this year because SO MANY people are joining in with my grievances that I want to highlight how the word is spreading — your government is out of control, and a LOT of us have grievances.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) December 23, 2020
This year, Paul identified $54,746,524,505.37 in government waste, which includes studies on consuming ground-up bugs ($1,327,781.72) as well as the prevalence of party drug use at NYC clubs and raves ($1,454,217).
Additionally, the National Science Foundation received $1,557,083 and walked lizards on a treadmill, while the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Veterans Affairs received $4,575,431 in grants to spray alcoholic rats with bobcat urine.
Regarding lizards on treadmills, Paul’s report explained researchers “spent a million and a half taxpayer dollars to get six lizards, walk them on a treadmill while taking X-rays with 3D imaging technology, and then figure out how their joints moved.”
On the bobcat urine project, researchers “spent five weeks giving rats ‘intermittent’ access to alcohol to get them hooked.”
“Then, they put the rats in a cage, and literally sprayed them with bobcat urine, a predator’s odor, to simulate trauma. Then, they tested whether males and females responded differently,” the festival report explained.
The Kentucky Republican also listed his top ten grievances, which were are as listed:…
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